Sunday, December 30, 2012

The Golden Compass榛勯噾缃楃洏_185

ut she didn't see Mrs. Coulter, which was a relief. When it was time for bed, she knew she had to let the other girls into her confidence.
"Listen," she said, "do they ever come round and see if we're asleep?"
"They just look in once,replica chanel bags," said Bella. "They just flash a lantern round, they don't really look."
"Good. 'Cause I'm going to go and look round. There's a way through the ceiling that this boy showed me...."
She explained, and before she'd even finished, Annie said, "I'll come with you!"
"No, you better not, 'cause it'll be easier if there's just one person missing. You can all say you fell asleep and you don't know where I've gone."
"But if I came with you-"
"More likely to get caught," said Lyra.
Their two daemons were staring at each other, Pantalaimon as a wildcat,jordans for sale, Annie's Kyrillion as a fox. They were quivering. Pantalaimon uttered the lowest, softest hiss and bared his teeth, and Kyrillion turned aside and began to groom himself unconcernedly.
"All right then,rolex submariner replica," said Annie, resigned.
It was quite common for struggles between children to be settled by their daemons in this way, with one accepting the dominance of the other. Their humans accepted the outcome without resentment, on the whole, so Lyra knew that Annie would do as she asked.
They all contributed items of clothing to bulk out Lyra's bed and make it look as if she was still there,, and swore to say they knew nothing about it. Then Lyra listened at the door to make sure no one was coming, jumped up on the locker, pushed up the panel, and hauled herself through.
"Just don't say anything," she whispered down to the three faces watching.
Then she dropped the panel gently back into place and looked around.
She was crouching in a narrow metal channel supported in a framework of girders and struts. The panels of the ceilings were slightly translucent, so some light came up from below, and in the faint gleam Lyra could see this narrow space (only two feet or so in height) extending in all directions around her. It was crowded with metal duc

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