Tuesday, December 18, 2012

鏃跺厜涔嬭疆 The Great Hunt_563

She took the stairs as if she were certain anyway, and the others followed. Surely enough, the small door at the bottom let out into the dusty yard of the South Stable, where novices' horses were kept,montblanc pen, for those who had them, until they had need of mounts again, which was generally not until they became Accepted or were sent home,Link. The gleaming bulk of the Tower itself rose behind them; the Tower grounds spread over a good many hides of land, with its own walls higher than some city walls.
Nynaeve strode into the stable as if she owned it,fake chanel bags. It had a clean smell of hay and horse, and two long rows of stalls ran back into shadows barred with light from the vents above. For a wonder, shaggy Bela and Nynaeve's gray mare stood in stalls near the doors. Bela put her nose over the stall door and whickered softly to Egwene. There was only one groom in evidence, a pleasant-looking fellow with gray in his beard, chewing a straw.
"We will have our horses saddled," Nynaeve told him in her most commanding tone. "Those two. Min, find your horse. and Elayne's." Min dropped the saddlebags and drew Elayne deeper into the stables.
The stableman frowned after them and slowly took the straw from his mouth,imitation rolex watches. "There must be some mistake, my Lady. Those animals - "
" - are ours," Nynaeve said firmly, folding her arms so that the Serpent ring was obvious. "You will saddle them now."
Egwene held her breath; it was a last-ditch plan, that Nynaeve would try to pass as an Aes Sedai if they had difficulties with anyone who might actually accept her as one. No Aes Sedai or Accepted would, of course, and probably not even a novice, but a stableman . . .
The man blinked at Nynaeve's ring, then at her. "I was told two," he said at last, sounding unimpressed. "One of the Accepted and a novice. Wasn't nothing said about four of you."
Egwene felt like laughing. Of course Liandrin would not have believed them able to get their horses by themselves.
Nynaeve looked disappointed, and her voice sharpened. "You trot those horses out and saddle them

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