Tuesday, December 18, 2012

寮備埂寮傚 Stranger In A Strange Land_168

Jubal Stood upsuddenly. .But I don’t belong to your church nor to Mike’s, so I shan’t attemptto argue the subtle differences between one form of ritual cannibalism andanother. Duke, I’ve got urgent work to do; I can’t spend any more time tryingto shake you loose from your prejudices. Are you leaving? If you are, I think Ihad better chaperone you off the place, make sure you’re safe,Link. Or do youwant to stay? Stay and behave yourself, I mean-eat at the table with the restof us cannibals.“ Duke frowned. .Reckon I’ll stay.“,montblanc pen.Suit yourself. Because from this moment forward I wash my hands of anyresponsibility for your safety. You saw those movies; if you’re bright enoughto hit the floor with your hat, you’ve figured out that this man-Martian we’vegot staying with us can be unpredictably dangerous.“Duke nodded. .I got the point. I’m not as stupid as you think I am, Jubal. ButI’m not letting Mike run me off the place, either.“ He added, .You say he’sdangerous ... and I see how he could be, if he got stirred up. But I’m notgoing to stir him up. Shucks, Jubal, I like the little dope, most ways.“.Mmm ... damn it, I still think you underestimate him, Duke. See here, if youreally do feel friendly toward him, the best thing you can do is to offer him aglass of water. Share it with him. Understand me? Become his .Waterbrother.’“.Um. I’ll think about it.“.But if you do, Duke, don’t fake it. If Mike accepts your offer of waterbrotherhood,he’ll be dead serious about it,fake rolex watches. He’ll trust you utterly, no matterwhat-so don’t do it unless you are equally willing to trust him and stand byhim, no matter how rough things get. Either all out-or don’t do it.“.I understood that. That’s why I said, .I’ll think about it.’“.Okay. But don’t take too long making up your mind ... because I expectthings to get very rough before long,http://www.cheapfoampositesone.us/.“
Chapter 14
IN THE VOLANT LAND OF LAPUTA, according to the journal of LemuelGulliver recounting his Travels into Several Remote Nations of the World, n

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