Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Fisk instinctively laughed at such foolishness

Fisk instinctively laughed at such foolishness, but it was the sort of nervous laugh that leads you to believe that whatever is supposed to be humorous is really not.
It's serious. It can be pursued.
"Research,link?" he said.
"Oh yes. We spend a lot of time looking for candidates who (a) we like and (b) can win. We study the opponents, the races, the demographics, the politics, everything, really. Our data bank is unmatched, as is our ability to generate serious funds.
Care to hear more?”
Fisk kicked back in his reclining rocker, put his feet on his desk and his hands behind his head, and said, "Sure. Tell me why you're here.”
"I'm here to recruit you to run against Justice Sheila McCarthy this November in the southern district of Mississippi," he announced confidently. "She is very beatable.
We don't like her or her record. We have analyzed every decision she's made in her nine years on the bench, and we think she's a raging liberal who manages to hide her true colors, most of the time. Do you know her?”
Fisk was almost afraid to say yes. "We met once, just in passing. I don't really know her.”
Actually, according to their research, Justice McCarthy had participated in three rulings in cases involving Ron Fisk's law firm, and each time she had ruled the other way. Fisk had argued one of the cases, a hotly disputed arson mess involving a warehouse.
His client lost on a 5-to-4 vote. It was quite likely that he had little use for Mississippi's only female justice.
"She is very vulnerable," Zachary said.
"What makes you think I can beat her?”
"Because you are a clean-cut conservative who believes in family values. Because of our expertise in running blitzkrieg campaigns,replica gucci wallets. Because we have the money.”
"We do?”
"Oh yes. Unlimited. We partner with some powerful people,moncler jackets men, Mr. Fisk.”
"Please call me Ron.”
It'll be Ronny Boy before you know it. "Yes, Ron, we coordinate the fund-raising with groups that represent banks, insurance companies, energy companies, big business, I'm talking serious cash here, Ron. Then we expand the umbrella to include the groups that are dearest to us-the conservative Christian folks, who, by the way, can produce huge sums of money in the heat of a campaign. Plus, they turn out the vote.”
"You make it sound easy.”
"It's never easy, Ron, but we seldom lose. We've honed our skills in a dozen or so races around the country, and we're making a habit of pulling off victories that surprise a lot of people.”
"I've never sat on the bench.”
"We know that, and that's why we like you. Sitting judges make tough decisions,fake montblanc pens. Tough decisions are sometimes controversial. They leave trails, records that opponents can use against them. The best candidates, we have learned, are bright young guys like yourself who don't carry the baggage of prior decisions.”
Inexperience had never sounded so good.
There was a long pause as Fisk tried to gather his thoughts. Zachary stood and walked to the Wall of Respect, this one covered in diplomas, Rotary Club citations, golfing photos, and lots of candid shots of the family. Lovely wife Doreen. Ten-year-old Josh in a baseball uniform. Seven-year-old Zeke with a fish almost as big as himself.

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