Tuesday, October 30, 2012

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His voice shook with conviction, as he uttered these words. There was something strangely gruesome in this man. It was thus that she had pictured to herself the high-priest of some terrible and mysterious religion, demanding a human sacrifice to appease the hunger of his god. She was fascinated by the spell of his personality, and listened with a feeling not far removed from awe. But Reginald suddenly changed his tone and proceeded in a more conversational manner.
"The first friend I ever cared for was a boy marvellously endowed for the study of mathematics. At the time of our first meeting at school, I was unable to solve even the simplest algebraical problem. But we had been together only for half a month, when we exchanged parts. It was I who was the mathematical genius now, whereas he became hopelessly dull and stuttered through his recitations only with a struggle that brought the tears to his eyes. Then I discarded him. Heartless, you say? I have come to know better. Have you ever tasted a bottle of wine that had been uncorked for a long time? If you have, you have probably found it flat--the essence was gone, evaporated. Thus it is when we care for people. Probably--no, assuredly--there is some principle prisoned in their souls, or in the windings of their brains, which, when escaped, leaves them insipid, unprofitable and devoid of interest to us. Sometimes this essence--not necessarily the finest element in a man's or a woman's nature, but soul-stuff that we lack--disappears. In fact, it invariably disappears. It may be that it has been transformed in the processes of their growth; it may also be that it has utterly vanished by some inadvertence, or that we ourselves have absorbed it."
"Then we throw them away?" Ethel asked, pale, but dry-eyed. A shudder passed through her body and she clinched her glass nervously. At that moment Reginald resembled a veritable Prince of Darkness, sinister and beautiful, painted by the hand of a modern master. Then, for a space, he again became the man of the world. Smiling and self-possessed, he filled the glasses, took a long sip of the wine and resumed his narrative.
"That boy was followed by others. I absorbed many useless things and some that were evil. I realised that I must direct my absorptive propensities. This I did. I selected, selected well. And all the time the terrible power of which I was only half conscious grew within me."
"It is indeed a terrible power," she cried; "all the more terrible for its subtlety. Had I not myself been its victim, I should not now find it possible to believe in it."
"The invisible hand that smites in the dark is certainly more fearful than a visible foe. It is also more merciful. Think how much you would have suffered had you been conscious of your loss."
"Still it seems even now to me that it cannot have been an utter, irreparable loss. There is no action without reaction. Even I--even we--must have received from you some compensation for what you have taken away."
"In the ordinary processes of life the law of action and reaction is indeed potent. But no law is without exception. Think of radium, for instance, with its constant and seemingly inexhaustible outflow of energy. It is a difficult thing to imagine, but our scientific men have accepted it as a fact. Why should we find it more difficult to conceive of a tremendous and infinite absorptive element? I feel sure that it must somewhere exist. But every phenomenon in the physical world finds its counterpart in the psychical universe. There are radium-souls that radiate without loss of energy, but also without increase. And there are souls, the reverse of radium, with unlimited absorptive capacities."

Sunday, October 28, 2012

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Many an act of kindness which had been secretly performed in that town during the last twenty years came to light on that day, the most notable of which was the sending of a certain young lad to school and his subsequent education as a minister.
But other memories of a sweeter and more secret nature still came up likewise, among them the following:
A young girl, who was of a very timid but deeply sensitive nature, had been urged into an engagement with a man she did not like. Though the conflict this occasioned her and the misery which accompanied it were apparent to everybody, nobody stirred in her behalf but Agatha. She went to see her, and, though it was within a fortnight of the wedding, she did not hesitate to advise the girl to give him up, and when the poor child said she lacked the courage, Agatha herself went to the man and urged him into a display of generosity which saved the poor, timid thing from a life of misery. They say this was no easy task for Agatha, and that the man was sullen for a year. But the girl’s gratitude was boundless.
Of her daring, which was always on the side of right and justice, the stories were numerous; so were the accounts, mostly among the women, of her rare tenderness and sympathy for the weak and the erring. Never was a man talked to as she talked to Jake Cobleigh the evening after he struck his mother, and if she had been in town on the day when Clarissa Mayhew ran away with that Philadelphia adventurer many said it would never have happened, for no girl could stand the admonition, or resist the pleading, of this childless mother.
It was reserved for Mr. Halliday and Mr. Sutherland to talk of her mental qualities. Her character was so marked and her manner so simple that few gave attention to the intellect that was the real basis of her power. The two mentioned gentlemen, however, appreciated her to the full, and it was while listening to their remarks that Frederick was suddenly startled by some one saying to him:
“You are the only person in town who have nothing to say about Agatha Webb. Didn’t you ever exchange any words with her?— for I can hardly believe you could have met her eye to eye without having some remark to make about her beauty or her influence.”
The speaker was Agnes Halliday, who had come in with her father for a social chat. She was one of Frederick’s earliest playmates, but one with whom he had never assimilated and who did not like him. He knew this, as did everyone else in town, and it was with some hesitation he turned to answer her.
“I have but one recollection,” he began, and for the moment got no farther, for in turning his head to address his young guest he had allowed his gaze to wander through the open window by which she sat, into the garden beyond, where Amabel could be seen picking flowers. As he spoke, Amabel lifted her face with one of her suggestive looks. She had doubtless heard Miss Halliday’s remark.
Recovering himself with an effort, he repeated his words: “I have but one recollection of Mrs. Webb that I can give you. Years ago when I was a lad I was playing on the green with several other boys. We had had some dispute about a lost ball, and I was swearing angrily and loud when I suddenly perceived before me the tall form and compassionate face of Mrs. Webb. She was dressed in her usual simple way, and had a basket on her arm, but she looked so superior to any other woman I had ever met that I did not know whether to hide my face in her skirts or to follow my first impulse and run away. She saw the emotion she had aroused, and lifting up my face by the chin, she said: ‘Little boy, I have buried six children, all of them younger than you, and now my husband and myself live alone. Often and often have I wished that one at least of these darling infants might have been spared us. But had God given me the choice of having them die young and innocent, or of growing up to swear as I have heard you to-day, I should have prayed God to take them, as He did. You have a mother. Do not break her heart by taking in vain the name of the God she reveres.’ And with that she kissed me, and, strange as it may seem to you, in whatever folly or wickedness I have indulged, I have never made use of an oath from that day to this — and I thank God for it.”

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“‘I wish you had the help of anyone else,’ said she. ‘Babies perish in my arms and wither at my breast. I cannot touch it, much as I yearn to. But let me see its face; perhaps I can tell you what is the matter with it.’
“I showed her the baby’s face, and she bent over it, trembling very much, almost as much indeed as myself.
“‘It is very sick,’ she said, ‘but if you will use the remedies I advise, I think you can save it.’ And she told me what to do, and helped me all she could; but she did not lay a finger on the little darling, though from the way she watched it I saw that her heart was set on his getting better. And he did; in an hour he was sleeping peacefully, and the terrible weight was gone from my heart and from hers. When the storm stopped, and she could leave the house, she gave me a kiss; but the look she gave him meant more than kisses. God must have forgotten her goodness to me that night when He let her die so pitiable a death.”
At the minister’s house they were commenting upon the look of serenity observable in her dead face.
“I have known her for thirty years,” her pastor declared, “and never before have I seen her wear a look of real peace. It is wonderful, considering the circumstances. Do you think she was so weary of her life’s long struggle that she hailed any release from it, even that of violence?”
A young man, a lawyer, visiting them from New York, was the only one to answer.
“I never saw the woman you are talking about,” said he, “and know nothing of the circumstances of her death beyond what you have told me. But from the very incongruity between her expression and the violent nature of her death, I argue that there are depths to this crime which have not yet been sounded.”
“What depths? It is a simple case of murder followed by theft. To be sure we do not yet know the criminal, but money was his motive; that is clear enough.”
“Are you ready to wager that that is all there is to it?”
This was a startling proposition to the minister.
“You forget my cloth,” said he.
The young man smiled. “That is true. Pardon me. I was only anxious to show how strong my conviction was against any such easy explanation of a crime marked by such contradictory features.”
Two children on the Portchester road were exchanging boyish confidences.
“Do you know what I think about it?” asked one.
“Naw! How should I?”
“Wall, I think old Mrs. Webb got the likes of what she sent. Don’t you know she had six children once, and that she killed every one of them?”
“Killed’em — she?”
“Yes, I heard her tell granny once all about it. She said there was a blight on her house — I don’t know what that is; but I guess it’s something big and heavy — and that it fell on every one of her children, as fast as they came, and killed ’em.”
“Then I’m glad I ben’t her child.”
Very different were the recollections interchanged between two middle-aged Portchester women.
“She was drinking tea at my house when her sister Sairey came running in with the news that the baby she had left at home wasn’t quite right. That was her first child, you know.”

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Blunt had been listening moodily. He nodded assent.
“Yes!” Mills’ thoughts were still dwelling in the past. “And when saying good-bye she could put in an instant an immense distance between herself and you. A slight stiffening of that perfect figure, a change of the physiognomy: it was like being dismissed by a person born in the purple. Even if she did offer you her hand — as she did to me — it was as if across a broad river. Trick of manner or a bit of truth peeping out? Perhaps she’s really one of those inaccessible beings. What do you think, Blunt?”
It was a direct question which for some reason (as if my range of sensitiveness had been increased already) displeased or rather disturbed me strangely. Blunt seemed not to have heard it. But after a while he turned to me.
“That thick man,” he said in a tone of perfect urbanity, “is as fine as a needle. All these statements about the seduction and then this final doubt expressed after only two visits which could not have included more than six hours altogether and this some three years ago! But it is Henry Allegre that you should ask this question, Mr. Mills.”
“I haven’t the secret of raising the dead,” answered Mills good humouredly. “And if I had I would hesitate. It would seem such a liberty to take with a person one had known so slightly in life.”
“And yet Henry Allegre is the only person to ask about her, after all this uninterrupted companionship of years, ever since he discovered her; all the time, every breathing moment of it, till, literally, his very last breath. I don’t mean to say she nursed him. He had his confidential man for that. He couldn’t bear women about his person. But then apparently he couldn’t bear this one out of his sight. She’s the only woman who ever sat to him, for he would never suffer a model inside his house. That’s why the ‘Girl in the Hat’ and the ‘Byzantine Empress’ have that family air, though neither of them is really a likeness of Dona Rita. . . You know my mother?”
Mills inclined his body slightly and a fugitive smile vanished from his lips. Blunt’s eyes were fastened on the very centre of his empty plate.
“Then perhaps you know my mother’s artistic and literary associations,” Blunt went on in a subtly changed tone. “My mother has been writing verse since she was a girl of fifteen. She’s still writing verse. She’s still fifteen — a spoiled girl of genius. So she requested one of her poet friends — no less than Versoy himself — to arrange for a visit to Henry Allegre’s house. At first he thought he hadn’t heard aright. You must know that for my mother a man that doesn’t jump out of his skin for any woman’s caprice is not chivalrous. But perhaps you do know? . . .”
Mills shook his head with an amused air. Blunt, who had raised his eyes from his plate to look at him, started afresh with great deliberation.
“She gives no peace to herself or her friends. My mother’s exquisitely absurd. You understand that all these painters, poets, art collectors (and dealers in bric-e-brac, he interjected through his teeth) of my mother are not in my way; but Versoy lives more like a man of the world. One day I met him at the fencing school. He was furious. He asked me to tell my mother that this was the last effort of his chivalry. The jobs she gave him to do were too difficult. But I daresay he had been pleased enough to show the influence he had in that quarter. He knew my mother would tell the world’s wife all about it. He’s a spiteful, gingery little wretch. The top of his head shines like a billiard ball. I believe he polishes it every morning with a cloth. Of course they didn’t get further than the big drawing-room on the first floor, an enormous drawing-room with three pairs of columns in the middle. The double doors on the top of the staircase had been thrown wide open, as if for a visit from royalty. You can picture to yourself my mother, with her white hair done in some 18th century fashion and her sparkling black eyes, penetrating into those splendours attended by a sort of bald-headed, vexed squirrel — and Henry Allegre coming forward to meet them like a severe prince with the face of a tombstone Crusader, big white hands, muffled silken voice, half-shut eyes, as if looking down at them from a balcony. You remember that trick of his, Mills?”

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"I don't think there is any better way," said Rand, with which the others agreed, and thanking him for his offer, the Uncas boys, now thoroughly alarmed, set out again upon the search.
It was 5 o'clock when they got back to Creston, searching on the way, and Pepper had not returned, or trace of him found.
"What shall we do next?" asked Jack, as they stood undecided in the road.
"What is it now?" asked Colonel Snow, who had come up unperceived.
"We can't find Pepper," answered the boys.
"What is it," went on the colonel, "a game of hide and seek?"
"No, sir," responded Rand; "he went over to Highpoint this morning with a message; I mean he started for Highpoint, but he hasn't been there and he hasn't come back. We are afraid he is lost."
"Lost!" exclaimed the colonel. "How could that be."
"We don't know," answered Jack; "but we have hunted all over for him, and he isn't anywhere about."
"All over?" said the colonel. "He couldn't very well be all over at once, could he? But, come along, and we will see if we can't find him. Which way did he go?"
"On the upper road," answered Rand; "but we have been all along that."
"Well, we'll see if we can't pick up his trail," went on the colonel at once, leading off at a rapid pace. "Did any of you pick it up?"
"There are lots of tracks," replied Rand, "but I did not pick his out."
"Some who are expert, you know, can read tracks as readily as you read the paper. These look much alike, but we will follow them up and see if any diverge or break away from the road."
Walking rapidly along the road the colonel indicated one he thought might be Pepper's track, which the boys followed, with some success, after it had been pointed out until, all at once, the marks indicated that the person had come to a sudden stop and had turned aside.
"He left the road here for some reason," decided the colonel, "or the one who made the trail did. He went through here, you can see how these bushes have been thrust aside."
"I do now," replied Rand, "but I wouldn't have noticed it myself."
"Did he have a dog with him?" continued the colonel, following the trail through the woods.
"No," answered Rand.
"Probably the dog came from the other direction. Looks as if Pepper was trying to get away from the dog. They were both in a hurry. It stops here; he must have taken to a tree."
"Pepper!" he shouted, "where are you?"
But neither his calls nor those of the boys brought any response.
"He isn't here," went on the colonel; "but there has been a disturbance of some kind. There are dog's tracks all around as if the animal had struggled with something, but no footprints. There is the track of a snake, too."
"A snake!" cried Jack, in alarm. "Do you think it could have bitten him?"
"No," said the colonel, "if he had been bitten we would still have his trail. He seems to have vanished into the air."
"I don't see how he could do that," declared Don.
"Neither do I," replied the colonel. "Spread out around the tree and see if you can find where he came down."
But a thorough search failed to reveal, to the investigators, any trace.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

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For Denmark—Eric Baldenak, ex-Sub-Governor of the Greenlandish possessions; of medium height, a little bent over, large and round head, so short-sighted that the point of his nose would touch his books; not willing to listen to any claim denying the rights of his country, which he considered the legitimate proprietor of the northern region.
For the Swedish-Norwegian peninsula—Jan Harald, Professor of Cosmography in Christiania; a genuine Northern man, red-faced, beard and hair blond; he regarded it as an established fact that the Polar region, being only occupied by the Paleocristic Sea, had absolutely no value. He was, however, not much interested in the matter and went there only as a duty.
For Russia—Col. Boris Karkof, semi-military man, semi-diplomat; a stiff, stubby mustache, seeming uncomfortable in his citizen clothes and feeling absent-mindedly for his sword which he was accustomed to carry; very much puzzled to know what was hidden in the proposition of the North Polar Practical Association, and whether it would not be the cause of international difficulties.
Finally for England—Major Donellan and his secretary, Dean Toodrink. The last two named represented all the tastes and aspirations of the United Kingdom, its commercial and industrial instincts, its aptitude to consider, by a law of nature, the northern regions their own property just as any country which did not belong to anyone else.
If there ever was an Englishman it was Major Donellan, tall, meagre, bony, nervous, angular, with a little cough, a head a la Palmerston, on bending shoulders; legs well formed after his sixty years; indefatigable, a quality he had well shown when he worked on the frontiers of India. He never laughed in those days, and perhaps never had. And why should he? Did you ever see a locomotive or a steam-engine or an elevator laugh? On this point the Major was very much different from his secretary, Dean Toodrink, a talkative fellow, very pleasant, with large head, and his hair falling on his forehead, and small eyes. He became well known on account of his happy manner and his taste for fairy tales. But, even if he was cheerful, he did not seem any less personally conceited than Major Donellan when he talked about Great Britain.
These two delegates were probably going to be the most desperate opponents to the American Society. The North Pole belonged to them; it always belonged to them. It was to them as if the Lord had given the mission to the English people to keep up the rotation of the earth around its axis, and as if it was their duty to prevent it passing into strange hands. It is necessary to observe here that France did not consider it necessary to send a delegate, but an engineer, of France, was present at the sale, just for the fun of it. We shall introduce him later on. The delegates of the Northern European States had arrived in Baltimore on different steamers, to give it the appearance that they had nothing at all to do with each other. They were really rivals. Each one of them had in his pocket the necessary means to fight against the American Society. But they could not fight with equal force. One could dispose of a sum of money which amounted to nearly a million, another could pass that amount. And really to purchase a piece of our globe to reach which seemed an impossibility, this ought still appear to be dear. In reality the best provided for was the English delegate, to whose order the Government had opened a very large credit. Thanks to this credit Major Donellan would not have very hard work to conquer his adversaries of Sweden, Denmark-Holland, and Russia. In regard to America—well, that was a different thing. It would be much more difficult to win against the fusillade of dollars. At least it was very probable that the mysterious society must have enough money on hand to go on in their work. Therefore, the highest bidding, which might come to millions, was between America and England.

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"See anything of them?" asked the colonel.
"Not yet," answered Rand, who was in the bow looking up the river.
"'Tis my opinion," said Donald, "that we'll be no likely to find them." "There they are!" cried Jack.
"Where away?" asked the colonel.
"Over there by the other shore," replied Jack. "You can just see them."
"They have such a long start," doubted Rand, "that we will never catch them."
"You can't most always tell until you try," observed Jack.
"And sometimes not then," added Pepper.
With the wind on her quarter the Scout sped up the river on a course that would bring her near to the opposite shore, a little in front of the boat they were pursuing, the occupants of which, evidently having no thought of pursuit, were rowing in a leisurely fashion. It was not until the Scout was almost upon them that they gave it any attention, and then only enough to change their course sufficiently to keep out of her way.
"Boat, ahoy!" finally shouted the colonel.
To this hail those in the small boat made no answer, but apparently realizing that the Scout was pursuing them, changed their course to run directly to the shore.
"In with the sheet!" called the colonel, quickly bringing the Scout around; "there, that will do!" as Rand and Donald hauled in the sail until it was trimmed in as close as it would hold the wind, the boat laying over until her gunwale was under water. Holding her up in the wind until the peaks shivered, the colonel kept her on that course until she had run some hundred feet beyond the other boat.
"Look out, boys!" called the colonel; "we are going about," at the same time bringing the boat up in the wind, and then, as the sail filled again, heading for the other boat.
But the man in the small boat was as wary as the colonel, and as the Scout came about he changed his course at nearly right angles, and then as the sailboat went by, resumed his former course.
"He's an old fox and not easily to be caught," decided the colonel, when this maneuver had been repeated two or three times. "He is making for the other shore, and if he gets in among the shallows over there I am afraid we will lose him yet."
The Scout was now so close to the smaller boat that the occupants could easily be distinguished.
"There is Monkey Rae," declared Pepper.
"And Sam and Red," added Jack, "but I don't know who the man is."
"Boat, ahoy!" shouted the colonel.
"What do you want?" snarled the man.
"You!" shouted the colonel. "Lay to until we come alongside!"
"Come on," responded the man, "and you will get more than you are looking for!" at the same time displaying a pistol, which he pointed toward the larger boat.
"Drop that!" commanded the colonel, going forward and covering the man with the gun, while Rand took the helm. "If you make any attempt to use that pistol I will disable you at once."
With a muttered imprecation the man let the pistol fall and, seizing the oars, began rowing for the shore.
"Shall we follow him?" asked Rand.
"There is a sand-bar there, I think," replied the colonel. "If you pull up the centerboard, perhaps we can slide over it. It's no use," he added a moment later as the boat fell off, "we shall have to go round."

Thursday, October 25, 2012

chanel watches One night as we were lying on a bit of dry sand under the lee of a rock

One night as we were lying on a bit of dry sand under the lee of a rock, side by side, watching the light of our little vessel dancing away at sea in the windy distance, Dominic spoke suddenly to me.
“I suppose Alphonso and Carlos, Carlos and Alphonso, they are nothing to you, together or separately?”
I said: “Dominic, if they were both to vanish from the earth together or separately it would make no difference to my feelings.”
He remarked: “Just so. A man mourns only for his friends. I suppose they are no more friends to you than they are to me. Those Carlists make a great consumption of cartridges. That is well. But why should we do all those mad things that you will insist on us doing till my hair,” he pursued with grave, mocking exaggeration, “till my hair tries to stand up on my head? and all for that Carlos, let God and the devil each guard his own, for that Majesty as they call him, but after all a man like another and — no friend.”
“Yes, why?” I murmured, feeling my body nestled at ease in the sand.
It was very dark under the overhanging rock on that night of clouds and of wind that died and rose and died again. Dominic’s voice was heard speaking low between the short gusts.
“Friend of the Senora, eh?”
“That’s what the world says, Dominic.”
“Half of what the world says are lies,” he pronounced dogmatically. “For all his majesty he may be a good enough man. Yet he is only a king in the mountains and to-morrow he may be no more than you. Still a woman like that — one, somehow, would grudge her to a better king. She ought to be set up on a high pillar for people that walk on the ground to raise their eyes up to. But you are otherwise, you gentlemen. You, for instance, Monsieur, you wouldn’t want to see her set up on a pillar.”
“That sort of thing, Dominic,” I said, “that sort of thing, you understand me, ought to be done early.”
He was silent for a time. And then his manly voice was heard in the shadow of the rock.
“I see well enough what you mean. I spoke of the multitude, that only raise their eyes. But for kings and suchlike that is not enough. Well, no heart need despair; for there is not a woman that wouldn’t at some time or other get down from her pillar for no bigger bribe perhaps than just a flower which is fresh to-day and withered to-morrow. And then, what’s the good of asking how long any woman has been up there? There is a true saying that lips that have been kissed do not lose their freshness.”
I don’t know what answer I could have made. I imagine Dominic thought himself unanswerable. As a matter of fact, before I could speak, a voice came to us down the face of the rock crying secretly, “Ole, down there! All is safe ashore.”
It was the boy who used to hang about the stable of a muleteer’s inn in a little shallow valley with a shallow little stream in it, and where we had been hiding most of the day before coming down to the shore. We both started to our feet and Dominic said, “A good boy that. You didn’t hear him either come or go above our heads. Don’t reward him with more than one peseta, Senor, whatever he does. If you were to give him two he would go mad at the sight of so much wealth and throw up his job at the Fonda, where he is so useful to run errands, in that way he has of skimming along the paths without displacing a stone.”

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Lastly, Pepper Blake, Jack's younger brother, who was of a quicker, more nervous, disposition than the others and given to stammering when excited. Impetuous and quick-tempered, he was always getting into difficulties, but always finding a way out. Romantic and imaginative, but with a streak of hard horse-sense beneath.
"Well," observed Rand, when Jack at last rose from his box with a sigh of satisfaction, "what is the exciting thing you have got to tell us this morning? Whose barn is being painted now?"
"Judge Taylor's office was robbed last night," replied Jack laconically.
"What's that!" cried Rand.
"Judge Taylor's office was robbed last night," repeated Jack, enjoying the sensation his news had made.
"W-w-what!" stammered Pepper. "Who did it?"
"That's what we all want to know," answered Jack.
"What did they get?" asked Donald.
"How did they get in?" went on Pepper.
"One at a time, boys," put in Rand. "Come, Jack, tell us the whole story."
"Well, all I know is, Officer Dugan found a window open this morning and the place all upside down. The judge hadn't come down yet, so they don't know what's missing. From the tracks around it looks as if some boys were mixed up in it."
"That's queer," commented Rand. "I wonder who it could have been, and what they were after?"
"Money, of course," said Pepper.
"I don't think so," returned Jack. "If it was money I think they would have picked out a more likely place. I guess it must have been papers, or something like that."
"Pooh!" criticized Donald, "what would anybody in their senses want to steal papers for?"
"There are more unlikely things than that," replied Jack. "I have read of such things."
"Pshaw!" retorted Donald, "that's nothing. I've read of robbers' caves and all that sort of thing, but I've never seen any."
"Which proves there never were any," retorted Jack sarcastically.
"Have you got any dues, Sherlock?" asked Rand laughingly.
"Not yet," replied Jack seriously, "but I am looking for them. They sometimes turn up in the most unexpected places."
"Huh!" sniffed Donald, "your turnips run mostly to tops."
While talking thus, the boys had been putting their supplies and tackle into the boat which they had run out into the river.
"Which way do you want to go?" asked Rand when they were ready to start.
"Up," said Pepper.
"Down," said Jack.
"What do you say, Don?" continued Rand. "Either way," replied Donald. "Let them toss up for it."
Taking the coin he had picked up in the road from his pocket Rand tossed it into the air. "What do you say, Jack?" he asked.
"Heads!" responded Jack.
"Tails it is," announced Rand as he picked it up. "Pepper wins. Up, we go."
"What have you got there, Rand?" asked Jack, who had been eying the coin Rand had tossed; "something new?"
"It's something that I found in the road this morning," replied Rand, handing the coin over to Jack. "Pepper found one, too."
"Found it in the road!" cried Jack, instantly on the alert. "That's serious. Tell me about it."
"There isn't much to tell," replied Rand. "Monkey Rae tried to run us down this morning and we had a near-fight and after he had gone we found them."

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But the principal dish consisted of a "haggis," the national pudding, made of meat and barley meal. This remarkable dish, which inspired the poet Burns with one of his best odes, shared the fate of all the good things in this world--it passed away like a dream.
Madge received the sincere compliments of her guest. The dinner ended with cheese and oatcake, accompanied by a few small glasses of "usquebaugh," capital whisky, five and twenty years old--just Harry's age. The repast lasted a good hour. James Starr and Simon Ford had not only eaten much, but talked much too, chiefly of their past life in the old Aberfoyle mine.
Harry had been rather silent. Twice he had left the table, and even the house. He evidently felt uneasy since the incident of the stone, and wished to examine the environs of the cottage. The anonymous letter had not contributed to reassure him.
Whilst he was absent, the engineer observed to Ford and his wife, "That's a fine lad you have there, my friends."
"Yes, Mr. Starr, he is a good and affectionate son," replied the old overman earnestly.
"Is he happy with you in the cottage?"
"He would not wish to leave us."
"Don't you think of finding him a wife, some day?"
"A wife for Harry," exclaimed Ford. "And who would it be? A girl from up yonder, who would love merry-makings and dancing, who would prefer her clan to our mine! Harry wouldn't do it!"
"Simon," said Madge, "you would not forbid that Harry should take a wife."
"I would forbid nothing," returned the old miner, "but there's no hurry about that. Who knows but we may find one for him--"
Harry re-entered at that moment, and Simon Ford was silent.
When Madge rose from the table, all followed her example, and seated themselves at the door of the cottage. "Well, Simon," said the engineer, "I am ready to hear you."
"Mr. Starr," responded Ford, "I do not need your ears, but your legs. Are you quite rested?"
"Quite rested and quite refreshed, Simon. I am ready to go with you wherever you like."
"Harry," said Simon Ford, turning to his son, "light our safety lamps."
"Are you going to take safety lamps!" exclaimed James Starr, in amazement, knowing that there was no fear of explosions of fire-damp in a pit quite empty of coal.
"Yes, Mr. Starr, it will be prudent."
"My good Simon, won't you propose next to put me in a miner's dress?"
"Not just yet, sir, not just yet!" returned the old overman, his deep-set eyes gleaming strangely.
Harry soon reappeared, carrying three safety lamps. He handed one of these to the engineer, the other to his father, and kept the third hanging from his left hand, whilst his right was armed with a long stick.

"Forward!" said Simon Ford, taking up a strong pick, which was leaning against the wall of the cottage.
"Forward!" echoed the engineer. "Good-by, Madge."
"GOD speed you!" responded the good woman.
"A good supper, wife, do you hear?" exclaimed Ford. "We shall be hungry when we come back, and will do it justice!"
Chapter 5 Some Strange Phenomena
MANY superstitious beliefs exist both in the Highlands and Lowlands of Scotland. Of course the mining population must furnish its contingent of legends and fables to this mythological repertory. If the fields are peopled with imaginary beings, either good or bad, with much more reason must the dark mines be haunted to their lowest depths. Who shakes the seam during tempestuous nights? who puts the miners on the track of an as yet unworked vein? who lights the fire-damp, and presides over the terrible explosions? who but some spirit of the mine? This, at least, was the opinion commonly spread among the superstitious Scotch.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

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What would one look for in software for learning piano? For the remainder of this piece we抣l treat software with the idea of it being a learning package or course.

People are turning to the internet for courses such as this in larger numbers than ever. Where to go, where to look, who to believe are all some of the questions that are looked into.

Other considerations are what style of learning best suits me, how long of a course should I look for, what types of audio are available, are the lessons on audio, are there recordings of what sound I抦 trying to emulate or does it include the instructions from the instructor, are video lessons better than audio lessons or will audio and good documents accomplish the same thing?

These answers will typically depends on how the person learns. Some students love books and some would rather have audio or video only. Everyone has a different set of criteria.

So you have to make some personal decisions before you begin your search for the software. Once you answer some of those basic questions you then begin the software search.

A list of things to look for could contain: Activity based instruction is the best way to learn so seek that as a prime criteria. The most effective form of learning is done through activity based courses. Actually performing a task helps to ingrain the task much more efficiently than merely reading it from a book.

Multi-media based is also a powerful methodology. The more ways the material can be presented the better the learning curve. Use of a combination of audio/video, games, exercises, and written material is a combination. The effectiveness of the learning increases by using different combinations of media and material.

Look for fun it makes a difference. If the course isn抰 interesting you will stop participating and then the learning stops with it. When things seem fun learning seems easier. When you are having fun your mind doesn抰 get restless and wander. If you have fun while learning the odds increase significantly that you will continue with the course.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

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“You understand, then,” he was saying, “you understand?”
“I understand,” said Ann Veronica, tear-wet and flushed with a reciprocal passion, but standing up to him with an equality that amazed even herself, “I understand.” She controlled a sob. “Not a penny — not one penny — and never darken your doors again!”
Part 4
The next day her aunt came again and expostulated, and was just saying it was “an unheard-of thing” for a girl to leave her home as Ann Veronica had done, when her father arrived, and was shown in by the pleasant-faced landlady.
Her father had determined on a new line. He put down his hat and umbrella, rested his hands on his hips, and regarded Ann Veronica firmly.
“Now,” he said, quietly, “it’s time we stopped this nonsense.”
Ann Veronica was about to reply, when he went on, with a still more deadly quiet: “I am not here to bandy words with you. Let us have no more of this humbug. You are to come home.”
“I thought I explained —”
“I don’t think you can have heard me,” said her father; “I have told you to come home.”
“I thought I explained —”
“Come home!”
Ann Veronica shrugged her shoulders.
“Very well,” said her father.
“I think this ends the business,” he said, turning to his sister.
“It’s not for us to supplicate any more. She must learn wisdom — as God pleases.”
“But, my dear Peter!” said Miss Stanley.
“No,” said her brother, conclusively, “it’s not for a parent to go on persuading a child.”
Miss Stanley rose and regarded Ann Veronica fixedly. The girl stood with her hands behind her back, sulky, resolute, and intelligent, a strand of her black hair over one eye and looking more than usually delicate-featured, and more than ever like an obdurate child.
“She doesn’t know.”
“She does.”
“I can’t imagine what makes you fly out against everything like this,” said Miss Stanley to her niece.
“What is the good of talking?” said her brother. “She must go her own way. A man’s children nowadays are not his own. That’s the fact of the matter. Their minds are turned against him.... Rubbishy novels and pernicious rascals. We can’t even protect them from themselves.”
An immense gulf seemed to open between father and daughter as he said these words.
“I don’t see,” gasped Ann Veronica, “why parents and children... shouldn’t be friends.”
“Friends!” said her father. “When we see you going through disobedience to the devil! Come, Molly, she must go her own way. I’ve tried to use my authority. And she defies me. What more is there to be said? She defies me!”
It was extraordinary. Ann Veronica felt suddenly an effect of tremendous pathos; she would have given anything to have been able to frame and make some appeal, some utterance that should bridge this bottomless chasm that had opened between her and her father, and she could find nothing whatever to say that was in the least sincere and appealing.
“Father,” she cried, “I have to live!”
He misunderstood her. “That,” he said, grimly, with his hand on the door-handle, “must be your own affair, unless you choose to live at Morningside Park.”
Miss Stanley turned to her. “Vee,” she said, “come home. Before it is too late.”

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The popularity of soccer may be steadily rising during the last 3 decades. Throughout America, there are now around 3 million soccer players. This count is just for those who fall within the age bracket of five to nineteen years.

England may be the birth place of Soccer. Long ago in 1800s, it had been a game title of classes and was played by high society aristocratic English people within their private clubs. However, because of its ease and low cost, it hardly invested some time to become a common game among the masses. No surprise, today it?s counted between the most often played game.

The rules of this game were standardized throughout Europe by the London Football Association the London Football Association. This association was founded in 1863. Soon after this, several professional players and team begun to appear about the soccer field.

Very quickly, Soccer was distributed in different parts of Europe. Countries like Germany, Spain and France really are a just a couple to mention where the game was taken up at the begining of 20th century. With the growing interest within the sport, the eye in the formal competitions rose too. Soccer was initially took part in Olympics in 1900 and medals were introduced just eight years after that. For many decades however, the professional players weren't allowed in competitions held in the Olympic games.

The Federation International de Football Association was formed in 1904 and also the first world cup international competition was held in 1930. At present there are approximately 200 teams seeking admittance in World Cup but currently only 24 are permitted to compete.

The United States Soccer Federation (USSF) was formed in 1913 but it took many years for all of us to enter into international soccer. For a long period, Americans in general preferred watching American Football, the industry quite different form of sport. However, things changed when Pele, one of the biggest soccer players from Brazil joined the brand new York Cosmos team in 1975. He changed the outlook of Americans towards football. It was unfortunately short-lived as Pele retired just a few years later, resulting the dissolution of Soccer League because of lack of support from fans.

Further in 1994, Americans interest within the soccer was rejuvenated when the men's world cup competition was held in United states. The major League Soccer (MLS) which was founded in 1993 began its first season in 1996. There have been 10 teams with 32 games and more than 3 million fans involved in this whole thing. By 1991, the overall game was formally extended to women to become played on professional level and the Women's Soccer world cup was introduced.

Today, Americans curiosity about soccer is becoming strong and continues to grow. You will find soccer teams and soccer leagues in just about all American communities. Players of interests and ages are becoming recorded on the soccer field throughout spring and fall competitions. No wonder, U.S. Youth Soccer has around 3 million official players on its list.

Ask-Bob.com answers the query who invented soccer?

Friday, October 19, 2012

lv wallets The French property-buying process is really very straightforward and well-regulated

The French property-buying process is really very straightforward and well-regulated. Each and every year many thousands of foreign people purchase in France without having trouble or hassles. Just like any property purchase there can be difficulties, but a majority of seem to be encountered mainly because buyers have not at all understood properly what they need to do ahead of time and how the process works, particularly if they don't speak French.

There are many French property portals to choose from to discover the ideal property for you.

The most crucial matter to keep in mind would be that the sale becomes binding much earlier during this process when compared to the united kingdom. Therefore if you permit sufficient time on your viewing trip you can properly secure a property you've seen on your trip and return to your home country understanding that no-one else can purchase it - gazumping will not be typically a challenge.

Two prevalent pieces of advice directed at UK investors wanting to purchase a house overseas are to engage the assistance of a nearby English-speaking lawyer and also to ensure you don't sign something without having first taking legal assistance.

This is certainly sound advice and really should never be pushed aside, but to what degree can an UK investor count on the professional criteria practiced by a 'local' lawyer undertaking the house or property title investigations?

There are lots of possible pitfalls to keep in mind when purchasing a house abroad and the First Title Euro Home Owners' Protection Policy (Euro HOPP) attempts to address many of those by providing cover for the most common title hazards.

Understanding "where" to purchase is essential. France is a large and diverse country and it is extremely important that you do your research and discover which area you want to buy in. This may mean going on a few journeys to France experiencing numerous places even before you begin looking at houses.

Choose your property type intelligently. Try to find a thing that has some exceptional element but is achievable. Barns to remodel could be cheaper but they is going to take a substantial quantity of money and time to rework them into your ideal property.

Even though you shouldn't be turned off renovating a home you like, take care you do not spend beyond our means that makes it impossible to re-sell the property for a reasonable price in case you need to.

Land can be inexpensive in certain areas of France but this doesn't require you should buy a whole hectare for oneself. It'll be a frequent vocation to keep up the grass and again might be on the expensive side.

Don't get trapped by sharks. At all times ask to see the Carte Professionelle of the estate agent or property finder you're using.

The FNAIM (The Federation of Estate Agents in France) is the best place to find licensed estate agents in the location you prefer to purchase.

Consider using a property finder. You may be unlikely to be proficient in the French vocabulary, French laws, the buying process or even the local area and you may not be able to keep heading over to France to view property.

chanel watches The musical first appeared on the stage in the West End in 1960 and achieved immediat

Oliver! The musical first appeared on the stage in the West End in 1960 and achieved immediate success. The British public appreciated the drama and the music in this Lionel Bart production and little known actors introduced in this play, went on to attain enormous popularity as adults. Among them, notably were the young boys playing the title role, and Ron Moody as Fagin and Barry Humphries as Mr. Sowerberry.

The musical is a loose version of Charles Dickens' 1838 novel Oliver Twist. To make it more audience friendly, the musical adaptation made several changes and a key change was the portrayal of Fagin as a comic character rather than as the book's villain.

The opening scene of Oliver! shows half-starved orphan boys entering the lunchroom for dinner ("Food Glorious Food"). They are fed only gruel and when Oliver asks for more, he is promptly asked to pack his belongings by the heartless and greedy caretakers' Mr. Bumble and Widow Corney and sold ("Boys For Sale") to Mr. Sowerberry, an undertaker.

Next morning after a fight with Noah, the undertaker's assistant, Oliver escapes and after a week meets Artful Dodger, a boy pickpocket. Dodger beckons to come and live in Fagin's den. Fagin is a criminal and he teaches Oliver and other boys their methods in "You've got to Picket a Pocket or Two". On his first mission along with Dodger and another boy pickpocket named Charley Bates, they rob a wealthy old man, and run off leaving Oliver to be arrested for the crime. In the meantime Oliver has met Nancy - the girl friend of Bill Sikes, the burglar - who showers motherly affection on him.

Oliver is captured and subsequently cleared of the crime and taken in by Mr. Brownlow. On receiving the information from Dodger, Fagin and Bill decide to kidnap Oliver to keep their den a secret. When Mr. Brownlow sends Oliver on an errand, Fagin and Bill are able to lay their hands on him and bring him back to their den.

Back at the workhouse Mr. Bumble and Widow Corney are informed by a dying pauper Old Sally that Oliver's mother Agnes, left a gold locket (suggesting that he belongs to a rich family) when she died at childbirth. With this information they visit Mr. Brownlow, expecting a reward. After looking at the picture in the locket Mr. Brownlow finds that she is his daughter and Oliver is actually his grandson.

Nancy, worried for Oliver, visits Mr. Brownlow and promises to deliver Oliver to him safely that night at the London Bridge. Bill suspects that Nancy is upto something and follows her as she sneaks Oliver out. At London Bridge, he knocks Oliver unconscious and brutally clubs Nancy to death. Mr. Brownlow arrives late to find Nancy's body. Bill's fierce terrier, Bet takes the gathered crowd to Fagin's hideout, and not finding Bill there, the crowd returns to Thames embankment, thirsty for justice. Suddenly, Bill appears on top of the Bridge, holding Oliver as hostage, but the police are able to shoot Bill and rescue Oliver to be united with Mr.Brownlow.

This portrayal of Dickens' novel, was much appreciated by the theatre going public. The production at the Theatre Royal Drury Lane is the second revival to be staged at West End. Subsequently, in 1994 a hugely successful production began at the London Palladium with Jonathan Pryce as Fagin. The show ran for three years at the Palladium proving its popularity with the audience; and also has had international success with tours of Asia, Australasia, two of the US and two Broadway productions in 1963 and 1984.

coach outlet online TEN HABITS OF HIGHLY SUCCESSFUL SCREENWRITERS By Derek Rydall Founder



Derek Rydall

Founder, ScriptwriterCentral.com

揃ad habits are like a comfortable bed, easy to get into, but hard to get out of,?

-- Unknown

揧our net worth to the world is usually determined by what remains after your bad habits are subtracted from your good ones,?br /> -- Benjamin Franklin

Think of this as a quick-reference for instant inspiration ?whether you抮e a screenwriter or script consultant:


Write something every day ?whether it抯 your project or an assignment. If you find yourself stuck just staring at a blank screen, try staring at a great script instead -- and try to figure out how it抯 put together. It might inspire you to get your own writing done. The point here is to keep exercising and refining your craft, building your knowledge, and keeping the momentum ?all of which will give you a competitive edge. This isn抰 about becoming a workaholic. It抯 about breaking through the inertia of complacency. It抯 so easy to get comfortable, to settle for the status quo, to rationalize why you抮e not doing what you know you need to in order to succeed. 揑 don抰 fee like it,?is not a viable excuse anymore.


This may sound like a contradiction to the above habit. It抯 not. In fact, without this one, you won抰 be able to sustain the level of quality and productivity referred to above. Unless you抮e able to take a break (whether it抯 ten minute, an hour, a day, or a week) and recharge, you抣l soon be booking a room in burnout city.


A messy, disorganized office is an energy sapper if there ever was one. Not just because it takes longer to find that important document under that stack of unopened bills, but also because it literally pulls power from your psychic field. Every little 憈oleration?you put up with burns fuel that could be put to much better use in growing your business.


Some of us are morning people. Others are struck with the muse at the stroke of midnight. If you don抰 already know, find out what time of day you work best, and gear your most labor-intensive activities for that time period. (Of course, if you抮e on a deadline, you might have to work around the clock, but that抯 a different issue.) If you schedule your activities based on your energy cycles, you will find your productivity take a quantum leap. For example, I have two periods when I work the best ?late morning and late afternoon. So I try to schedule the heavy-lifting (writing, analyzing) during those hours. When I first get up, I need to ease into the day抯 work, so I do more preparatory work, like going over the day抯 schedule, straightening up the office, e-mails. Once I抦 warmed up, I crack open the script or writing file and get to work for a few hours. I break for lunch, meditation, make calls, work out, do some errands ?and start my second writing period. Then it抯 home for family time, dinner, and bedtime stories. But not my bedtime. Because at night, my energy cycle is perfect for opening mail, paying bills, filing, during simple research ?tasks that don抰 take a lot of energy.

coach Playing a game as large and vast as World of Warcraft can at times be frustrating

Playing a game as large and vast as World of Warcraft can at times be frustrating. Almost each and every player that I know use's the great old alt-tab, which takes them out of the video game to get the infomation needed to locate, total after which hand in they're quests. Such sites as Thotbott and Wowhead happen to be an absolute savour to myself and other people and deserve all of the credit they get for the large amount of data made obtainable that enables players to increaes they're leveling speed.

How to prevent the bullets below

However there is a large draw back, using this technique (which nearly all players i know use).

* Alt-tabbing away from the game and searching the web requires oddles of time.

* Knowing which quests to search for (espeacially if your a newbie)

* Which quests are worthwhile performing. Are you doing a quest which is worth your time and effort.

* Are you currently collecting and completeing the quests efficiently. In other words are you currently running miles collecting either to little or to numerous quests within the wrong order.

* When going to Thotbott etc I bet you will find numerous answers for your pursuit. Do you know which 1 of these methods to complete may be the right or greatest one?

* How many times following completing a quest do invest time trying to find, who to hand it in to and then exactly where the damn person is located. If like me even following I had found out who and exactly where I would go to the location and still not find the actual NPC to hand in to.

I could go on, but i won't since even though problems like the above are a draw on time and energy the video game is still hugely enjoyable. Nevertheless not wanting to sound corny "there is really a much better way" lol. Zygor's 1 to 70 Alliance and horde Guide. This information has to become by far one of the most comprehensive and detailed information for power leveling in Globe of Warcraft that i've discovered and when it comes to utilising the guide, it's presentation is superb.

As I mentioned the guide is extremely detailed , it comprises of 300 pages covering each and every quest that you have to complete to get to degree 70 at lightning speed. It's multi classed, meaning that all classes happen to be taken into consideration and there's a horde and alliance version. It covers how to begin from every race's point of view, because they all start in various area's.

But the best part is that this is all provided in game. It works within the same way all addons for Globe Of Warcraft work, you click an icon within the games interface and there it's every thing you need to know. It works in conjuction with your map. I can't do it justice right here, you truly have to see it and use it to appreciate how wonderful it is. It is simplicity in action you are able to take a look for yourself what it looks like and how it works by clicking here for component one and clicking right here for part 2

What was so rewarding for me whilst using the information, was the fact that it's merely a step by step guide. In video game as you total one pursuit it then directs you to what ought to be accepted next, exactly where from. Wherever you are heading you have an arrow to information you exactly to the spot you have to be. Zygors 1 to 70 Alliance and Horde guide isn't just restricted to accepting and handing in quests. It also .

Thursday, October 18, 2012

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Importance of Warming Up Before Exercise

Since a lot of people are involved in physical exercises, it is imperative that the importance of warming up before any strenuous activity should be discussed. Many have repeatedly ignored going through the warm up stage before working out, not knowing the consequences in doing so.

Why warm up? Several changes takes place in the body once physical activity is initiated. A person's respiratory rate, blood flow, and oxygen and nutrient levels delivered to the cells increases. The rate of increase should be regulated in a steady pace to prepare the body for the physical stress that exercise will demand. If one foregoes this priming procedure, the body will function less efficiently and the workout will produce less quality results. Warming up preps up the nervous system, heightens mental awareness and alertness, and loosens up joints and muscles to make them less prone to injuries. Warm ups jump starts the fluid located in the joints, minimizing the risk for wear and tear of the muscles. It gives the heart a suitable period to adjust and pump up blood and nutrients into muscles.

This is vital for older people, since they have tissues that are less supple; they have joints with less fluid, and weaker hearts. Sudden exercise can produce heart attacks to older people.

How does a person warm up properly? Initially, it can be done in any procedure that enables the heart to beat faster. One can simply walk and jog, or if a cardiovascular equipment is available, such as rowing machine or a bicycle, it can be utilized. Start at a gentle pace, and then slowly increase the pace until heart beat rate increases and the body temperature rises. It important to note that the pace should be in accordance to one's current fitness level, where the activity will leave the person energized and not exhausted.

After working up a light sweat (suggested time is 3-5 minutes, longer if the person is working out in a cold environment) one should do dynamic stretching. Stretching helps in developing overall flexibility, particularly in the spine, shoulder, and hip areas. The kind of stretching depends on the type of activity a person plans to engage to. For instance, if one is about to play sports, the recommended kind of stretching would be the ones that mimics the movements that will be done in the court or field. If one is about to do martial arts, light sparring can be done in the quarter of the normal speed, or just simply do the movements in slow motion. Be certain that the major muscles groups are stretched for 8 seconds minimum. It is necessary to remember to keep feet moving or do leg exercises whenever the upper body is stretched to keep prevent blood from pooling in the legs. Remember, one should only do stretching if the muscles are already warmed up. Do not bounce while stretching. It leads to a contraction that can result in muscle tear or pull.

For weight-lifters, this is what should be done after the initial warm up. Load the bar with about 50-60% of the heaviest weight to be done for the session and perform the number of repetitions that will be done for the heavy sets. For the second set, the weight will be increased to 80%, then eventually to 90%, decreasing to 2-3 repetitions. Afterwards, rest for about 30 seconds, then repeat the steps. After this warm up, one can now proceed to the heavy lifting for the day. The advantage of doing the procedure is that the heavy sets will feel less daunting and can now be performed with considerably less stress.

After warming up and proceeding to the main workout, it is equally important to cool down. When a person suddenly stops exercising or lifting weights, blood gathers in the muscle and oxygen is blocked. When this happens, a person runs the risk of having a heart attack. So cooling down should have the same importance as warming up.

Exercise is good for the health. Everyone is encouraged to pump it up, just remember to remember all the necessary precautions not only to maximize the workout, but also to stay safe and healthy.


Discount Louis Vuitton Check out two of the youngest players of the LA Lakers

Check out two of the youngest players of the LA Lakers?Andrew Bynum and Jordan Farmar. These promising NBA stars definitely have so much up their sleeves, enabling further boost in the sales of Lakers Tickets. Read on to see why these two Lakers players deserve a great deal of attention.

Andrew Bynum

Bynum plays center for the LA Lakers and holds jersey number 17. He was born on the 27th of October, 1987 and considered as one of the youngest players to be drafted by the NBA. In addition, Bynum is the youngest to play in an NBA regular season game. He was only 18 years and six days old when he played for six minutes during the Lakers' season opener against the Denver Nuggets on November 2, 2005. Although Bynum missed two attempts for field goals, he was able to do two blocks and two rebounds.

Bynum was born in Plainsboro, New Jersey and went to the state's St. Joseph High School before being drafted by the Lakers in 2005. He was the 10th overall pick and among the last of all draftees to enter the NBA right after high school. Even if his dream to major in business in Connecticut was circumvented by the draft, Bynum still believes that becoming a Lakers player is one of his greatest achievements. Hall of Famer, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar was assigned to work with Bynum upon his joining the team.

Still a tenderfoot but offering a lot of potential, Bynum is gradually developing into one of the best Lakers players. In fact, he caught the attention of the late, then-Hall of Famer basketball coach, Pete Newell who defended Bynum against his fellow-teammate Kobe Bryant's criticisms. Bynum can, today, boast of several notable moments in his career, such as getting offers from the New Jersey Nets and the Indiana Pacers before the 2007-2008 season.

Jordan Farmar

Jordan Farmar owns jersey number 5 and plays for the LA Lakers as a point guard. He was born on November 30, 1986 in Los Angeles, California. Stading at 6'2? Farmar has proven his athletic abilities on court.

Farmar went to Woodland Hills then to Taft for high school in LA. As a senior, Farmar accumulated an average of 27.5 points and 6.5 assists. He also led the school's team to its first Los Angeles City title. For his efforts and talent, Farmar was given various awards and titles such as the Los Angeles Times Player of the Year and the California Interscholastic Federation Los Angeles City Section High School Player of the Year.

After high school, Farmar went to UCLA. There, he majored in psychology and was even one of the students in the Athletic Director's Honor Roll in winter of 2005. Then, in 2006, Farmar was drafted by the Los Angeles Lakers as the 26th pick in the first round of the NBA Draft. During the pre-draft, Farmar demonstrated a 42-inch vertical leap. It was the highest vertical leap among others, enabling Farmar to impress NBA scouts.

On his first year with the Lakers, Farmar helped increase the sales of Lakers tickets by making a name for himself. He is the first player to participate in both an NBA game D-League game in one day. On his second year, Farmar's career was placed on the rocks by the presence of then-newly recruited point guard Javaris Crittenton from the Memphis Grizzlies. Fortunately, Farmar was able to hold his ground by averaging 9.1 points, 2.2 rebounds, and 2.7 assists per game.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

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If you抮e a performing artist and want to take a step to increase the 憌ow?factor of you show, you抮e going to need to take the jump to using backing tracks on stage. They allow bands and artists to give an even more exacting performance of the songs they play in their repertoire.

Of course they抮e more suitable for some bands than others but I believe that at some level, all bands and artists can benefit from doing their performances in this way. Cover bands and tribute bands especially. In my experience most bands that play in a circuit of any kind are consisting of a drummer, bassist, guitar player or two and a singer, with the band members supporting by doing backing vocals.

It抯 also been my observation over the years that many people play guitar for example, but can抰 sing, or can抰 sing and play. This serves to limit the vocal performance of the band because they can抰 cover harmonies that may in fact be critical. Also omitted often are songs that require keyboard parts. By require, I mean the song really cannot be performed without that keyboard part. Sure there are tons of bands out there that have a keyboard player but I抳e never been in a band that wants a keyboardist to play in every song because just as some songs require a keyboard part, other songs may be somewhat diminished by adding a keyboard line.

Enter the use of backing tracks. With backing tracks you can add every special little piece to the songs you play. I抳e used tracks with keyboard parts, horn parts, percussion parts and even some backing vocals. I抦 careful about how much I抦 willing to add to a track in terms of backing vocals. Generally if it抯 something that is absolutely critical to the success of the performance of the song then I抣l add it, i.e. the part sounds like a choir or something that simply cannot be replicated by one or two singers. I have in the past added parts that may help save the top end of my range and the very occasional harmony. I try to be mindful of the difference between a band performance and what might appear to become a karaoke performance if you start adding too much.

Using tracks allows us to cover everything from the simplest song to orchestra backed songs. Audience respond well to the fact that you sound 慾ust like?the band you抮e covering and in my experience, assuming you抳e picked the right songs, will dance all night long.


Discount Louis Vuitton Untold Story Of Architecture Phase._18960

Architects profession regarded as one of sexist job, but it requires tremendous labor intensive mouse clicking one抯 hand. There are four different phases which requires different communication skills and
special knowledge. However, it has not been well told to the public. Acknowledging this fact; A/O conducted a numerous questioning to the fellow architects and came up with a comic story line. The
following might be the simplest way to tell unknown stories to client and even architects who has experienced all four different phases. Those are SD (schematic design) DD (design development), CD (construction document) and CA (construction administration).

Schematic design
This is the stage when architect抯 design intents are introduced to a client. Usually, owner of firm comes up with conceptual ideas. They do a concept sketch with client and employed architects, especially specialized graphic 揷ad monkeys?produce a set of drawings about how抯 building is going to sit on site, and how building is going to look like. Basically, it is set of pictorial communication drawing between a client and architect. Sexy images with cool looking suit are requirement.

Design development
DD is about drawings for architect抯 own and coordination drawings with other consultant such as structure, lighting, acoustic, landscape, MEP (mechanical, electric and plumbing) whoever are on board. Architect should know where to ask right consultants. In DD phase, everything should be coordinated as much as possible. Also 20+ years of technically oriented architect should be on board for design team to orchestrate coordination early as possible unless otherwise later on, architects are going to point fingers each other ?揹amn you?br />
Construction document
It is usually called as a construction document. However, this is a 揷ontract documents?between client and contractors. It should show all the design intent - details of everything. At this stage, 搒pecification?comes along with contract which tells about all the recipes of buildings and how to play the game when it is under construction; for an example, expensive material always rules. Usually,
young architectural designer who just got out school tends do a drafting for 搕he master of detailer?for 20 hours a day for about 3 months in worst case scenario. They realized they have been fooled and
begin to think about other professions.

Construction Administration
At this stage, people think that architects just check up the drawings and site. But, that is just a glimpse of it. This is about all about fine tuning process between contractors with architect with another
drawing set which is called 搒hop drawings.?Realistically, this is another set of construction document. Sometime, a number of prime-contractors go up to nineteen along with more than one hundred sub- contractors. Suddenly, architects become a king of food chain. But, even within circle of architects who has not had experience, they think that phase is not cool moment. They are totally 揹umb.?Moreover, architects are beginning to know the work they did in CD does not work. Believe it or not, a super control freak architecture firm tends to spend more than 40% architectural fees in this stage.

There is another drawing which majority of architects are never going to see it after 搒hop drawings.?br /> It is a 揻abrication drawing.?br />
Unknown facts:
Have you noticed why architects do not dance? They think that dance is a part of presentation. They do
not want to be criticized.


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“Written by our command, at our Castle of Garde Doloureuse, within the Marches of Wales, by a reverend priest, Father Aldrovand, a black monk of the house of Wenlock; and to which we have appended our seal, upon the eve of the blessed martyr Saint Alphegius, to whom be honour and glory!”
The voice of Father Einion faltered, and the scroll which he held in his hand trembled in his grasp, as he arrived at the conclusion of this epistle; for well he knew that insults more slight than Gwenwyn would hold the least word it contained, were sure to put every drop of his British blood into the most vehement commotion. Nor did it fail to do so. The Prince had gradually drawn himself up from the posture of repose in which he had prepared to listen to the epistle; and when it concluded, he sprung on his feet like a startled lion, spurning from him as he rose the foot-bearer, who rolled at some distance on the floor. “Priest,” he said, “hast thou read that accursed scroll fairly? for if thou hast added, or diminished, one word, or one letter, I will have thine eyes so handled, that thou shalt never read letter more!”
The monk replied, trembling, (for he was well aware that the sacerdotal character was not uniformly respected among the irascible Welshmen,) “By the oath of my order, mighty prince, I have read word for word, and letter for letter.”
There was a momentary pause, while the fury of Gwenwyn, at this unexpected affront, offered to him in the presence of all his Uckelwyr, (i.e. noble chiefs, literally men of high stature,) seemed too big for utterance, when the silence was broken by a few notes from the hitherto mute harp of Cadwallon. The Prince looked round at first with displeasure at the interruption, for he was himself about to speak; but when he beheld the bard bending over his harp with an air of inspiration, and blending together, with unexampled skill, the wildest and most exalted tones of his art, he himself became an auditor instead of a speaker, and Cadwallon, not the Prince, seemed to become the central point of the assembly, on whom all eyes were bent, and to whom each ear was turned with breathless eagerness, as if his strains were the responses of an oracle.
“We wed not with the stranger,”— thus burst the song from the lips of the poet. “Vortigern wedded with the stranger; thence came the first wo upon Britain, and a sword upon her nobles, and a thunderbolt upon her palace. We wed not with the enslaved Saxon — the free and princely stag seeks not for his bride the heifer whose neck the yoke hath worn. We wed not with the rapacious Norman — the noble hound scorns to seek a mate from the herd of ravening wolves. When was it heard that the Cymry, the descendants of Brute, the true children of the soil of fair Britain, were plundered, oppressed, bereft of their birthright, and insulted even in their last retreats?— when, but since they stretched their hand in friendship to the stranger, and clasped to their bosoms the daughter of the Saxon? Which of the two is feared?— the empty water-course of summer, or the channel of the headlong winter torrent?— A maiden smiles at the summer-shrunk brook while she crosses it, but a barbed horse and his rider will fear to stem the wintry flood. Men of Mathravel and Powys, be the dreaded flood of winter — Gwenwyn, son of Cyverliock!— may thy plume be the topmost of its waves!”

coach How to Choose Historical Areas to Visit in Paris

How to Choose Historical Areas to Visit in Paris
This article is patterned for all you history buffs with insight that opens your mind to all areas of life, including visiting the grave. If you are interesting in learning and reliving Paris抯 uncivilized history, and don抰 mind visiting the dead, you must check out Paris抯 Les Catacombs. The tunnels are not suited for everyone, only for those with an open mind to see what it is like to walk in the grave and visit the dead. The tunnels have a disturbing, yet unique pattern of bones and skulls, fashioned to bring the dead back to life.

Some people feel that visiting Les-Catacombs in Paris is a waste of time. Yet, the Opinionists fail to realize that historical buffs see things in a new light. At Les-Catacombs, you will pay an entry fee of five French dollars. Areas around Paris, during the late 1800s discouraged the average person, since its history of overpopulated cemeteries and deceased souls made the area, one of Paris抯 uncivilized environments. The area was filled with filth. For this reason the councils of the Parisians transferred the deceased to the tunnels of Les-Catacombs. In this, tunnel the bones of millions of dead souls rest. Parisian counsels of France transferred the bones, piling them in various areas around the tunnel. The skull of these dead people are piled in areas of the tunnel, and put together in reverse/front fashion. The bones are disturbing to many, since these dead peoples structures were fashioned in a way that it appears as faces and transverse structures, i.e. in the shape of crosses.
Throughout the tunnels are spiral stairways. Once you begin walking down the stairs, you will spot eye sockets of the deceased. The tunnels become present as you continue down the stairs. As you continue down the stairs and into the dirt tunnels, you are approaching the graves of many deceased souls, which at this point you cannot turn back. Since underground tunnels and graves are chilling you, want to make sure that you wear proper attire to keep you warm. Keep in mind you will get residue of the deceased on you. If this bothers you, perhaps you can wear attire that shields your clothes and flesh.

Throughout the walk, you will notice the walls. The walls are filled with plagues, yet observers say that the information is written in French. This makes sense, since the tunnels were designed in the 1800s. In view of the fact, you may want to learn a bit of French before visiting the tunnel. Ultimately, if you have a French interpreting, or friend who speaks French, take him/her with you.

NOTE: Because people have stolen bones from the tunnels, as you return to the starting point, the staff will inspect your bags.

How to decide if Les-Catacombs is right for you or your children:
Les-Catacombs is not intended for people who fear closed areas, underground arenas, etc. If you have claustrophobia, perhaps you would enjoy visiting other attractions in Paris instead. Children into history, or intending to prepare a future in science, etc, may enjoy this experience, however most will feel threatened by the environment. Take care to consider your children抯 likes, explain first to them what they will visit, and ask the children if this is something they want to see.
The experience for children could be a learning experience that opens their eyes to the reality of death and graves. If your children cannot handle this however, or have emotional reactions easily, visit other attractions in Paris.

Where is Les-Catacombs located in France? Les-Catacombs is at the first Place, Denfert-Rochereau. The tunnels are open Tuesday through Friday between 2pm and 4pm. On Saturday and Sunday, the tunnel is open from 2 pm to 4 pm also.


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Healthy Eating with Detox Recipes for your Body

You probably know by now what detoxification is and the ways that it can be done. A detox diet provides the simplest way to detoxifying yourself. A rule of thumb in detox diets: the more fiber and water, the better. Eat lots of vegetables and fruits, beans and nuts. On the other hand, steer clear of caffeine, carbonated drinks, sugars like chocolates, alcohol and yeast.

Dr. Kiki Sidhwa recommends going on a monotrophic diet after a three-day fast. By monotrophic, we mean eating only one type of fruit for every meal. Example, for breakfast, you can eat apple. For lunch, try out oranges or pineapples. Eat until your hunger is satisfied. You can squeeze in a grapefruit juice at around 4 pm for your snack. And in the evening, eat only apples, pears, grapes or bananas.

Of course, this is just one of those do-it-yourself diet plans that you can take on when you抮e on a detox program. For most people, however, detox recipes are the best way to go. These detox recipes are especially designed to provide you with the necessary nutrient in the body and at the same time, providing you with the necessary antioxidants and substances that will cleanse your body from toxins.
For more fluid intake, you can try Ginger Healing Tea with Turmeric. What you need are the following: 2 cups of water, � teaspoon of powdered ginger, � teaspoon of tumeric, 1 tablespoon of maple syrup and lemon extract. To make your special healing tea, add powdered herbs to boiling water and let it simmer for 10 minutes. Strain the tea into a mug and add maple syrup and lemon extract. Stir and whalaaah--- you can start drinking!

For breakfast, you can try the vegetable super juice. This juice gives you the needed energy boost for your senses, wakens your digestive system and can keep you going until lunchtime. For starters, you need 1 whole cucumber, 4 celery sticks, 2-4 handfuls of spinach, 8 lettuce leaves. You can also add other green vegetables like parsley and fresh alfalfa sprouts. The process is easy and simple, juice all ingredients and add distilled water. You can also add lemon juice for better taste.

And now for lunch, try the Alkalising RAW Soup. All you need are 1 avocado, 2 spring onions, � red or green pepper, 1 cucumber, 2 handfuls of spinach, � clove of garlic, 100 ml of light vegetable Bouillon, lemon or lime juice and Bragg Liquid Aminos for added taste. Just like our vegetable juice, the recipe is simple and easy to do. Blend the avocado and stock to form a light paste. Add other ingredients and blend. And then you can start eating!

Our dinner treat is Warm Broccoli Soup. All you need is � avocado, 6-8 broccoli heads, 1/3 red onion, 1 celery stick, a big handful of spinach, inch of root ginger, cumin and bragg liquid amino for added taste. Lightly steam the broccoli for 5-6 minutes. After steaming, blend all the ingredients together and add garlic and pepper to taste. This is perfect for a cold winter night.

Feeling hungry still? These recipes are just few of the hundred other detox recipes available on the net. The key here is to pack yourself with enough water and nutrients to keep you going without ingesting a plateful of additives, sugars and food preservatives. So what are you waiting for? Start eating healthy!

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

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A Popular Auto Responder Marketing Technique

Marketing through auto responder series is a popular strategy to increase repeat website visits and sales. Here is a popular strategy.


Instead of trying to publish a small daily or weekly eZines, try publishing one large monthly eZine (similar to a monthly magazine) as an e-book format delivered via auto responder, preferably an Adobe .pdf file. You could have it made up of a large number of articles per issue and insert regularly featured areas throughout like inspirational quotes, industry tips, favorite sites and advice from the pros. You could also insert full-color graphics, multimedia components like audio / video file links and ads. Then you can charge a monthly rate, with an annual discounted package purchase, and sell advertising spots to sprinkle in your auto responder announcements for each issue and with an informational series to announce your monthly eZine to new prospects.

In summary, by using customized marketing techniques like an eZine eBook, tailored to fit your own products and services, you can reach out and increase your website traffic and sales opportunities. Internet marketing can mean more ways to grow your business.

[Insert Your Resource Box Here]

(Words: 187)


Discount Louis Vuitton Putting Decorative Tins To Good Use_277

Decorative tins come in handy for various purposes and they can be used very effectively to make your home look good. Not everyone could afford trivial things that are sometimes costly. However with a little bit of creativeness one could put to use decorative tins that will not only be useful, but would also serve to brighten up your home.

Tins could be used as pen and pencil holders. They are especially useful in children抯 rooms as they cannot be broken and in the event of them being damaged they could be discarded and easily replaced with another decorative tin. They could be used to store bird seed or any other dry pet foods like grain, etc. They make your room look stylish. The smaller tins could be used to store various things in your garage like nails of various sizes, washers, etc. Larger tins could be used to keep knick-knacks in. By storing knick-knacks in tins you could keep your home tidy and free from clutter.

In the event of you needing something you will also remember where to look, therefore you will also be saving yourself a lot of time. They could also be used as a receptacle for wet umbrellas. By making use of these decorative tins to keep wet umbrellas, you will manage to keep your floor dry in rainy weather. Use a large decorative tin as a trash can. Put a decorative one in your children抯 room. Cookie tins could also be used to store children抯 crayons or small toys. They go a long way in helping you keep the play area tidy.

You could even use popcorn tin to pack hard to wrap gift items. Use cookie tins to store your needle work stuff like thread, lace, buttons, etc. Keep a cookie tin in your bathroom as a handy box where you could store you hair clips, hair bands and other hair accessories. If you are in the habit of baking things and giving them to friends you could use an old cookie tin to put your baked items in before handing them over to a neighbor or friend.
Little girls like to collect necklaces, beads, etc while boys love marbles, encourage them to use decorative tins to keep all their precious stuff. You will find that they will end up being more organized and will save you the bother of having to clean up their mess. If you want to keep children quiet for a while give them a tin and ask them to decorate it. You will be amazed at their creativity.

By just being a bit imaginative, you will find that there are indeed a whole lot of uses for decorative tins around your home. If you don抰 like the picture on the tin, sand it off and pain something nice or decorate the tin yourself and then put it to use.


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There may be no such thing as a lukewarm basketball fan, but if there is, it's surely not a Los Angeles Lakers fan. If you are a fan, and you've followed the Lakers for a while, you have witnessed some of the most amazing, edge-of-your-seat or on-your-feet performances in basketball history.
Way back in 1946, when it was still the NBL, the team was known as the Detroit Gems, but with one 4-40 season they didn't live up to the name worth a hoot. The "team", which was nothing more than equipment at the time, was sold for $15,000 and moved to Minneapolis, where the name was changed to Lakers. (Why not? Look at all those lakes!) Because they had the worst record, they got first pick in the dispersal draft, and ended up with a championship their very first season as the Lakers.
The 1950's brought major triumphs and major disappointments. Players left or were traded for new ones, coaches came and went, and in general a lot of changes occurred, but out of six appearances in the Finals, the Lakers came away with the championship five times. They were definitely a team to be noticed!
It is kind of interesting that when the team moved to Los Angeles in 1960, the name remained the same, and they became the Los Angeles Lakers (despite the lack of lakes) and by golly, they have been ever since. They really started getting a lot of notice when Wilt Chamberlain became part of the team, and they went to the NBA Finals in 1962. Most fans will know the score on that one: the Lakers lost to the Boston Celtics - not for the first time!
The Lakers got to the Finals eight times during the 1960's, and each time they fought a battle royal, but they lost, eight times. Did that faze them? Not so anyone would notice. They won 33 consecutive games in 1971, a record which still stands in every major professional sport. During the rest of the ?70's, aside from the excitement the team never failed to bring to the games, a couple of events stand out. Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, and later Earvin "Magic" Johnson were added to the mix of players, and TV commentator Pat Riley was hired as assistant coach. Riley moved up, of course, to the head coach position, and what a marvelous job he did!
The Los Angeles Lakers appeared again in the Finals of 1991, but Michael Jordan and the Chicago Bulls got the best of them. In '92 the Lakers lost in the Finals to the Portland Trail Blazers, and again in '93, this time to the Phoenix Suns. For a short time, Magic Johnson stepped in as coach, but soon turned it over to Del Harris. Then in the off-season of 1996, the Lakers made a couple of very good moves: they signed Shaquille O'Neal, a free agent, and traded for Kobe Bryant (then a rookie with the Charlotte Hornets).
In 2000, the Los Angeles Lakers moved their home base from the Forum in Inglewood to the Staples Center in L.A., which seems to suit them. They also hired coach Phil Jackson who, as well as former coach Pat Riley, has set all-time records in the industry As the 2000's rolled on, the Lakers incorporated some moves they call the "triangle offense", and the excitement just kept happening. Shaquille O'Neal was awarded the Finals MVP for his third consecutive year, and coach Phil Jackson got his ninth Championship Head Coach award.
The year 2000 was another turning point for the Lakers, when they moved from Inglewood to the new Staples Center, and really became the Los Angeles Lakers. Then Phil Jackson came on the team as head coach, and the Lakers kept gaining momentum, and fans! Coach Jackson deservedly received the Championship Head Coach title for the ninth time, and Shaquille O'Neal kept winning the coveted MVP award (three times in a row!)
As of this date, the Los Angeles Lakers are, according to Forbes magazine, the second most valuable basketball franchise in the world. The team can boast 16 Hall of Famers in its history, including 15 players and one broadcaster, Chuck Hearn. The Lakers hold the record for the most wins of any NBA team, and the highest percentage of games won.
Since 1948 they have only missed the NBA playoffs five times. They have had so many dramatic near misses and even more dramatic last-minute wins that they keep fans on the edge of their seats (if the fans can even get seats.) Actually, you do have to love those Lakers!


Sunday, October 14, 2012

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Reasons To Stage Your Home For Sale

If you抳e been thinking of selling your investment house or your home, you should make sure that you take full advantage of home staging trends. There are several advantages to home staging trends, which we will take a look at below.

One of the best things about staged homes is that they sell in less time. This is great news for sellers, as these types of homes will sell really fast. In most cases, you won抰 have to worry about your home staying on the market for a long period of time. Research has shown that staged homes sell nearly 40% faster than other homes on the market.

Staged homes also sell for more money. Homes that have sat on the market for a long period of time will normally get lower offers due to the fact that home buyers will begin to think there is something wrong with the home. Staged homes on the other hand, don抰 sit on the market for long at all. Once they are listed, they pretty much draw attention to themselves - resulting in a fast sale.

A staged exterior will also draw viewers. When home buyers first arrive at a home that is up for sale, they instantly make up their mind whether they should get out and look around, or drive off. If the yard is staged with flowers and the yard is manicured and properly taken care of, chances are that buyers will want to see more. If you entice your buyers by showing them how nice the home is outside, they will surely want to know what the home is like on the inside as well.

Once a buyer has stepped inside of the home, he will know within a matter of seconds whether or not he likes the home. To get the buyer抯 attention, you抣l need to stage your home to the buyer抯 liking. You don抰 want the buyer to feel rushed or get the wrong impression, which is why you should always set the stage and entice the buyer to take his time and get a good look at the home.

Staging the living rooms and kitchens will also help to sell the home. Buyers love living rooms, which is why you should always make sure that the living room is the center piece of your home, and decorate it accordingly. Kitchens on the other hand, is where you should really go all out, decorating with fruit and such. You should always make sure that everything is in place as well. Buyers love to see homes that are ready to move into - and not ready to be worked on.

Staged homes will also attract more real estate agents and get more advertising as well. If a real estate agent loves your home, he will want to show it off. If you stage your home, chances are that real estate agents will eat it up. When they do, they will advertise your home more than others, just to get you some deserved attention. This way, you can benefit from a lot of exposure at absolutely no extra cost.

There抯 no other way to look at it, other than staged homes sell. They attract more buyers, more real estate agents, and they give people the feeling of home. When you go out of your way to make the buyer feel that your home is his dream home, he will know it. Homes that aren抰 staged may sell, although staged homes sell much faster and for more money. If you抳e been looking to sell your home, you should look into staging it and get the ball rolling in the right direction.


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